without a position

dark choc with coconutI used to have opinions about almost everything. Ask my husband! More often now, I notice I’m without a position; I may feel open, or curious, instead. Even when opinions do arise, they aren’t held with as much intensity. This is easier on my friends and family …even easier on Emma, the family dog. If asked, I can come up with an opinion–it seems to arrive out of nowhere–but the investment isn’t very strong.

For as long as I can remember, I haven’t eaten coconut–the flaky kind. I’d have told you that it ruined German chocolate cake, spoiled Mounds bars, wrecked any food.

Last year, I joined a writing group where we bring snacks. There is always a delicious assortment of dark chocolate bars–less common chocolates, with hot pepper, or salt, or goji berry, or one evening …coconut. I almost passed over that bar–but I noticed the knee-jerk response, the internal shudder–and snapped off a piece, instead. When I popped it in my mouth, I was astounded to discover that I liked it–probably not enough to buy a whole bar–but enough to have a second square, and marvel.

© Amrita Skye Blaine, 2013

4 thoughts on “without a position

  1. I knew I had reached a new level of consciousness when I started becoming curious about the conservative right-wing political discourse. When I genuinely wanted to hear their thoughts and beliefs without immediately believing them to be wrong. This shift to grey (or maybe clear) has opened up all kinds of doors and incredible connections with people and experiences I may have otherwise “passed over”.


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