

worry is prayer for what you don’t want —unknown author

wish I’d slipped
this in my pocket
decades ago—
a truth to carry,
rub and smooth
a different kind
of wonder stone

so self-evident
yet it evaded me
all I need to do
is notice
troubled thoughts
and shift away
look for springtime
poppies, cheerful
in the breeze
or iris buds unfurling

then worry flees

2024 ©Amrita Skye Blaine
I’m writing a poem a day. These are drafts—not final versions.

fluid leap

fluid leap

I pop awake
in a pool of dark
glance at my watch…
just then
right in that very breath

time leaps
from 2 a.m. to 3
daylight savings

time, human-made—
how can you mince
this marvel
into small moments?

old woman
on bed’s edge
let’s out a giggle

2024 ©Amrita Skye Blaine
I’m writing a poem a day. These are drafts—not final versions.

be happy

be happy

Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.
—Omar Khayyam

a lesson I learn
again, again
not train tracks
into the future
nor train rides
into the past

my one life
5 a.m.
outside, opaque dark
glass reflects
the light behind

do not let the mouse
follow the news
either old
or rumored
news is not now

breath is
feel its ease
in, out, in again
breathe, now

2023 ©Amrita Skye Blaine
I’m writing a poem a day. These are drafts—not final versions.

wide open

wide open

sleep evades me
eyes wide open,
a frenzied parade
of thoughts rhumba
through my landscape

I know better—
to prepare for sleep,
established rules
I broke them
so, no wonder

find my little one
who huddles
anxious in the corner
invite her to snuggle,
suggesting new play

arms wrapped
around, teach
her tonglen
take in the dark
and scary

from anxious offspring
heirs to their leaders’
enmity and fear

send out laughter
and hopscotch fun,
sprinkling love
like wedding rice
and curl into sleep

2023 ©Amrita Skye Blaine
I’m writing a poem a day. These are drafts—not final versions.

already gone

already gone

by the time
we finish a thought,
the beginning is already gone
the thought train
lags behind experience
it’s just the way of things

why do I trust that train
instead of the pure, bright
unfolding moment?
why not allow
my internal yammering
to drop behind,
an insignificant background

thoughts are not primary—
experience is, fresh and alive
my opinions, reflections
and wonderings
are the cleanup crew—
maybe useful, maybe not
but that thought party’s over

offer hot chocolate
give thanks for their service
and send them on their way

2023 ©Amrita Skye Blaine
I’m writing a poem a day. These are drafts—not final versions.



Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.
—Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

short memories,
what is this urge?

hate creates
loathing until
it’s passed from
family to family

one generation
to the next
spawning only more

and fear
where does it stop?
the history is there—

we must start
with our babies
model love and

when introduced
with care
goat nurses lamb

seeing similarity
people take in
wounded from
the other side

hate begets hate
murder, murder
love begets love

I choose

2023 ©Amrita Skye Blaine
I’m writing a poem a day. These are drafts—not final versions.

tangled web

tangled web

What a tangled web we weave when we believe our own thoughts.
—Koshin Paley Ellison

thoughts, the root
of my sometime troubles—
not any old thought,
the perseverating-nagging
in the middle-of-the-night

those thoughts

they fly into the future
rather than dive into the past
haunting, persuasive,
mind wolves
intent on the takedown
they ravage my peace
hide in the dark
waiting for my body
to relax toward sleep
then invent
nightmare scenarios

like any wise parent
with love, I set boundaries
no pacing about
or gathering in packs
for you, no lurking
near the midnight fire
you’re welcome in the daytime
if you face me straight on
meet my gaze
have an honest conversation
otherwise, be gone

2023 ©Amrita Skye Blaine
I’m writing a poem a day. These are drafts—not final versions.



is this the path of love?
I ask
many times a day
I note disquiet
rooted in my mind

I catch myself
and remember to re-rout
out of spinning thoughts
that hook me
where I have no agency
autocrats and climate,
wars and simple meanness
that I see
play out each day

is this the path of love?
the memo for my mind
re-orients, re-centers
reminds what’s true
and good and kind
it brings me now
it brings me here
the only place to be

2023 ©Amrita Skye Blaine
I’m writing a poem a day. These are drafts—not final versions.

I believe

This was given as a writing prompt in “The Monthly Pause,” an online group
hosted by James Crews.

I believe

I believe in first light
how it announces
opening—a fresh day
full of opportunity
empty of need for
any noteworthy thing
to unfold

I believe in the power
of composing poems
how they clarify, distill
claiming attention
and our willingness
to pare
and pare again

I believe in the wisdom
of silence
how it holds all
in its tender palm
inviting our drop
into the deep well
of knowing

after rising in the dark
I believe in naps
midday after lunch
closing my eyes
guiding myself
the body needs rest
welcome sleep now

I believe in
true friendship
friends who hold
close when
crushing loss comes

I’m suspicious
deeply apprehensive
of beliefs and creeds
that codify
and separate
the unceasing one
we are

and I do not believe
in time
although needed
and useful
it is always only
blessed now

2023 ©Amrita Skye Blaine
I’m writing a poem a day. These are drafts—not final versions