
nectaplum in bloom


The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago.
The second-best time is now.
—old Chinese proverb

I wonder, is
it just too late?
why bother
to seed new ways
it takes so much—
rhythms required
to change
and not just mine
but those I love

and yet
I survey this land
we moved here
a decade ago
mended the shabby
and raked white rock
now the yard
a mini farm
rosemary cascade
apple, Comice pear
and fig—
the most arcane,
July sweet feast

so I clear
new inner ground
set intention
bear discomfort
knowing change
will bear good fruit

2024 ©Amrita Skye Blaine
I’m writing a poem a day. These are drafts—not final versions.

One thought on “planting

  1. TL Hunter-Reginelli

    Very soft and reflective thoughts.

    Beautiful photo


    div>Thank you❤️

    Sent from my iPad


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I welcome comments and discussion!