
This evening I’ve been reading blog entries posing the question of whether spiritual practice is necessary or not.

I come from almost four decades of practice. I undertook practice because I believed it would get me what I longed for, what I desperately wanted to achieve: enlightenment.

I no longer even relate to that word–whatever I believed that to be was a fantasy of my own making, built mainly from books I read and stories that were passed around spiritual circles.

Why force an opinion of whether practice is required or not? That’s all a seeming choice is, a point of view that then has an opposite: two sides of the same coin that is not-two.

If practices arises, I practice. If resting as awareness calls, I rest. Simply allow the natural flow of life to inform. What is more delicious than that?

© Amrita Skye Blaine, 2012

3 thoughts on “effort/effortlessness

  1. “If practices arises, I practice. If resting as awareness calls, I rest. Simply allow the natural flow of life to inform. What is more delicious than that?”



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